What is selenium webdriver and how it help us in software testing process?

Webdriver in selenium (http://docs.seleniumhq.org/projects/webdriver/) is an Interface and it is designed to overcome some limitations of selenium RC software testing tool. However selenium WebDriver's development is in process so still there are few limitations and known issues available in selenium WebDriver. Selenium WebDriver is also known as Selenium 2 and used for web as well mobile

"focus" Command in Selenium IDE
"focus" is useful to set focus on targeted fields. Generally it is used with input fields like text box, text area, radio button, check box, button etc.. It will simply move cursor on targeted element or field.

Selenium "keyUp" Command
"keyUp" command is generally used with "keyDown" Command. Sometimes, "keyPress" command not

"verifyEditable" and "verifyNotEditable" commands are verification commands in selenium IDE and useful to check targeted element is editable or not. You need to perform this king of verification on input elements like text box, buttons, check box, radio buttons to get the editable status at certain time. "verifyEditable" and

"shiftKeyDown" and "shiftKeyUp" commands are specially designed for shift key of keyboard. Selenium IDE has many commands related to keyboard keys(Example : keyDown) and mouse keys (Example : mouseDown). "shiftKeyDown" and "shiftKeyUp" has not major function but sometimes such specially

In Selenium IDE, "verifyValue" and "assertValue" commands are used with check box or radio button elements. As name suggests, Both are used only for verification of check box or radio button's ON/OFF(Check/Unchecked) status. Only difference between "verifyValue" and "assertValue" command is

"verifyAttribute" and "assertAttribute" commands are useful for verification of values of an attribute of any node on the page of software web application. You can check value of an attributes like class, title, id, name, type, etc.. I got many questions about "Difference between assert and verify in selenium with example" so i will describe

Locator in selenium IDE are used for locating an element on page. Selenium IDE support many types of locators like name, id, CSS and  XPath, dom, ui etc.. and from all of them, mostly used locators are nameidCSS and XPath. Selenium IDE has a facility to set your preferred locator to record it. That

"verifySelectOptions", "verifySelectedLabel" and "verifySelectedIndex" commands works with drop down list box or multi select list box. Let me explain all of three first and then will see them with example.

Selenium IDE "verifySelectOptions" Command
"verifySelectOptions" command used for verification of list box option values. It will show error message if

CSS element locators are very strong and important for not only selenium IDE but also for selenium RC, webdriver and all other versions of selenium. I suggest you to read my post about CSS Locators for selenium IDE first, where i described many different ways of writing CSS path for any node of page with

Selenium IDE assertions "assertTitle" and "assertNotTitle" are used for asserting title of page. It will be useful when you want to check the title of each and every page. Selenium IDE has facility of Recording assertTitle automatically during recording of selenium script. It will add "assertTitle" command in your

Parameterization in selenium IDE using data.js file is described with example in my previous post. You must have Advanced Selenium IDE knowladge for Parameterization in selenium IDE. Now Parameterization using "push" command is another way of data driven testing in selenium IDE for your software web application regression of functional testing. Please note, "push" command is not supported by default in selenium IDE so you need to attach (Click here for how to

Data driven testing using selenium IDE software automation testing tool is not much more hard but initially you need to configure selenium IDE before you proceed for Parameterization using Advanced Selenium IDE features. There are 2 methods of Parameterization in selenium IDE software testing tool. Let me describe 1st method of Parameterization in this post. You can read my next post

As described in my previous post("while" and "endWhile" commands with example), selenium IDE software testing tool not supporting any conditioning and looping commands and to get support of "gotoif" "gotoLabel" and "label" commands, you have to attach user extension with selenium IDE software automation testing tool. This is Advanced Selenium IDE feature. Click here to download user extension and attach it with selenium IDE and restart selenium IDE software testing tool's window. Now you can use "gotoif" "gotoLabel" and "label" commands with selenium IDE software automation.

How to use "while" and "endWhile" command in selenium IDE software testing tool
"while" command is not supported by default in selenium IDE software automation testing tool. Selenium IDE also not supporting any conditional(if condition) commands by default. To get support of "while" loop as a Advanced Selenium IDE feature, You need to attach user extension with selenium IDE software testing tool. You can read my post about how to attach user extension with selenium IDE.

I shared user extension file for "while" loop command. Click here to download selenium IDE user extension file for "while" and "endWhile" Commands and save it in your hard drive(only in .js format)

There are many assertions available in selenium. Here i am going to describe "assertchecked" and "assertNotChecked" assertion in selenium IDE with example. "assertNotChecked" and "assertchecked" commands works with only check box and radio button. Both the commands are used for verifying check

Before running selenium script suite from command prompt, you must be aware about How to create and run test in selenium IDE. You can read more articles about selenium IDE different commands with examples from my past posts.

Selenium has its own TestRunner and we need to use it for running selenium IDE software test case from command line. Let me describe all process step by step.

There are couple of advanced options available in selenium IDE like increasing timeout, attaching user extensions, attaching data file, and few other. Let describe here couple of them for your reference.

To open selenium IDE option window, Click on Options > Options from main menu. It will open option

Pending commands list in part 1 with tutorial link are listed in bellow given table. Click on command link to view selenium IDE software testing tool's command example. I tried my best to cover all commands of selenium IDE software testing tool. You can suggest me if any command is pending to list in these tables by commenting bellow this post.

Selenium IDE commands with examples
There are many commands available in selenium IDE software testing tool. I have prepared one selenium commands list and linked some selenium ide command with its examples. So you can click on command link(From bellow given selenium ide commands list table) to view how to and where to use that command with example. This full selenium command list will help you to learn selenium IDE software testing tool on beginning level.

(Do you wants to be master of selenium IDE software testing tool in just 7 days? If yes then Read this Selenium IDE tutorials)

Pending command's(Which are not linked) example creation is in process. you can subscribe via email for

Selenium IDE is very useful regression testing tool in software industry. Selenium IDE has many built in commands and you can also extend it using extensions files. Let me describe you more 2 commands of Selenium IDE.

"selectPopUpAndWait" command
You can read my post about "selectPopUp" command before understanding "selectPopUpAndWait" command. As name suggests, "selectPopUpAndWait" is combination of two commands - 1) "selectPopUp" and 2) "waitForPageToLoad". "selectPopUp" command will select targeted popup window and

"selectPopUp" command
"selectPopUp" command works same as "selectWindow" command. Sometimes when you click on link then it is opening new window popup. If you want to perform some actions on new opened popup window then you need to select that popup first then and then you can perform any action on new window. In such